© 2012 Kevin Longa Closing Shop on Election 2012

3 Approaches Obama Should Take for the Future

Obama won, and its time to move forward. Just two hours after the nation heard the results, I discovered night-shift volunteers tearing down banners at the Palo Alto Obama Campaign Center. The buzz of democratic get-out-the-vote cold calls had now hushed. To my surprise, the Campaign Center did not cavort with confetti and libations. The place ran as dry as Mitt Romney at a Mormon convention. Everyone understood that now’s not the time for celebrating. Now’s the time for our president to set an example to our nation and remind our generation that we thrive on challenge.

Here are three attitudes Obama should posses if he wants to set the tone right for our future and our nation’s youth:

1. Be Bold

America thrives on the risk-takers. We know how to get creative when resources get scarce. As a member of the Internet generation, I know the dangers of abundance well. Going over-the-top is the American way, but there’s a point where comfort can kill you—or at least kill your spirit. Obama, if you want America’s youth to remain, well, American, then take some risks. Washington did it, FDR did it and I know you can too.

2. Diversify

Obama, make your black grandma and your white mamma proud. You embody diversity. You admire President Lincoln’s “Team of Rivals.” If I learned anything as an entrepreneur and person, its that great things happen when you open yourself to knew ideas. Art fuels my real passions and I detest math, but that didn’t stop me from working through financial equations as an economics major in college. I underwent challenge and my GPA suffered, but I feel like a better businessman for it. So put the United back into the United States of America and get some work done with the Republicans and even others like the Tea and Green Parties.

3. Take Action

The only way to get across a (fiscal) cliff is to take a courageous leap forward.

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